Common HVAC Odors
Have you ever turned on your HVAC machine and detected an odor right away? You are not alone in this. HVAC odors are surprisingly normal. So, what’s the source of the odor?
6 Common HVAC Odors You Need to Know
Have you ever turned on your HVAC system and immediately noticed an odor? You’re not the only one. Surprisingly, HVAC odors are pretty common. So what exactly is causing that smell? In this article, you’ll learn about the common HVAC odors that the technicians at Gilmore Heating and Air are frequently called to address in Sacramento homes.
Electrical Odors
Burning electrical components can trigger an odor in the HVAC system, and this smell may be caused by a few factors. For example, Sacramento HVAC replacement experts say that an electrical smell can result when a motor is burning out or when there is improper wiring in the appliance.
Electrical problems are dangerous, and you need to contact Gilmore Heating and Air immediately so that one of our experienced professionals can fix the problem.
Rotten Egg Smell
Another dangerous smell that you should be concerned about if you ever notice it coming from your HVAC system is the smell of rotten eggs. Residential AC maintenance experts in Placerville say that this smell usually signifies that there is a natural gas leak somewhere. Call Gilmore Heating and Air immediately so that the problem can be addressed.
A Moldy Smell
When you detect a musty or moldy smell coming from your HVAC unit, don’t immediately think that there is a problem with your AC. A musty or moldy smell usually indicates that moisture was able to stand somewhere in the ductwork, which has allowed mold, bacteria, and other microbial matter to grow.
Additionally, mold poses serious air quality and health risks, so make an effort to contact residential AC tune-up professionals who will clean the ductwork thoroughly.
Burning Gas Smell
If you haven’t used your furnace in a while, you may notice a smell of burning gas. This is nothing to worry about. Gilmore Heating and Air explains that this smell is accumulated dust burning. After a few minutes, this smell will no longer be there once all the dust is gone. To avoid this smell, schedule a heating tune-up before turning on your furnace.
An Oily Smell
You shouldn’t ignore any oily smell that comes from your HVAC system. Sacramento HVAC repair professionals say that an oil leak may be causing the oily smell, or a burner may be clogged. If you tighten the oil valve and the oily smell continues emerging, then call Gilmore Heating and Air immediately. Clogged burners are dangerous, so the sooner the problem is fixed, the better.
Acetone Smell
If you immediately draw a blank when we talk about the smell of acetone, think about the smell of nail polish remover. Nail polish removers normally contain acetone, and so do some solvents and paint.
A residential ac company in Placerville recommends that you call an HVAC repair technician immediately if you detect the smell of acetone coming from your air conditioning system. This smell suggests that there is a refrigerant leak.
If you’re living in a home whose HVAC system is giving off unpleasant odors, contact a heating and cooling company. Our HVAC technicians can fix any of the odors that are coming from your HVAC system.
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