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Problems With Older Furnaces

How long have you had your furnace? Many homeowners find their furnace as one of those out-of-sight, out-of-mind aspects of their homes without thinking about the functionality. If you think your furnace is too old, it most likely is. Unfortunately, older furnaces can bring some problems into your home. Below, our Sacramento HVAC company shares common problems with older furnaces. 

Common Problems With Older Furnaces

To find out how old your furnace is, look at the production date on the information plate. If it’s above 15 years old, it’s in the range where a replacement is a possibility. To replace the heater with a new one, we offer furnace replacement in Sacramento. Below, our Sacramento heating company shares common problems with older furnaces. Additionally, we explain why you should consider a Sacramento furnace replacement

Problems With Older Furnaces Sacramento Furnace Replacement

Inefficient Energy

Our Sacramento furnace repair technicians explain that older furnaces typically have something to do with how old the furnace is. Furnace efficiency standards have increased, and manufacturing technology has improved as well. An older mid-efficiency furnace can have an efficiency rating of 70% to 80%, which means that 20% to 30% of the natural gas or propane is wasted. Most furnaces now have an efficiency of 85% or greater, while condensing furnaces can have efficiencies of up to 98%.

Any mechanical equipment slows down as it ages, requiring it to consume more energy to achieve the same goals. The ravages of time will lead your furnace to lose energy efficiency at the end of its life, no matter how carefully you have cared for it. Take a peek at your winter heating bill history. Have they lately started to rise? At work, that’s the old furnace, working too hard.

Degrading Indoor Air Quality

Older heating and air conditioning systems are harmful to the air that circulates in a home. They collect dirt and dust more quickly and blast it through the ducting. It’s a clue that the furnace is too old if you smell dusty scents in the house every time the furnace and blower turn on.

They Can Pollute the Environment

Old engines rattle, shriek, slam, and make a general cacophony. If your furnace is making a lot of noise and repairs aren’t helping, it’s time to think about replacing it.

Old Furnaces Can Be A Safety Hazard

When it comes to gas, oil, and propane furnaces, this is the big one. Natural gas furnaces are the most prevalent, and while they are designed to strict safety requirements, they can succumb to age. The problem is frequently found in the furnace’s heat exchanger. Corrosion is the result of many years of chemical interactions between the vapors in the combustion gas and the metal of the heat exchanger. As follows, corrosion weakens the metal, enabling fractures to appear. Our Sacramento HVAC techs explain that a fractured heat exchanger may allow poisonous exhaust fumes into your home’s air! If we inspects your old furnace and finds rust or cracks, replacing it is the best option.

Sacramento Furnace Replacement

If you think you’re ready for a new furnace, contact our Sacramento furnace replacement company today. Our team at Gilmore would love to help you find the best make and model for your home.
