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Furnace Repair vs Furnace Replacement

How Do I Decide the Right Size of the Furnace For My Home?

Should you repair or replace your furnace? There are many things to consider when thinking about furnace repair vs. furnace replacement.


Furnace repair VS Furnace Replacement

Should you repair or replace your furnace? There are many things to consider when thinking about furnace repair vs furnace replacement.

Deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace is a question most homeowners have at one point or another. For a homeowner, the less money you spend in your home, the better. However, there comes a time when you have to decide whether you need to keep on repairing your furnace or purchase a new one.

However, how can one really tell that it is time to get a new unit? Gilmore Heating, Air & Plumbing, the best heating company Sacramento, shares a few things to consider before deciding on furnace repair vs furnace replacement.

Carbon Monoxide Emission 

Carbon Monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas that will kill you if you inhale it for a long time. More than 400 people die of Carbon monoxide poisoning every year with thousands more visiting the ER.

Your furnace can potentially emit carbon dioxide. The fact that most people can hardly tell when it happens is what makes it a dangerous situation. In the event your furnace starts emitting carbon dioxide, Sacramento heating replacement is the next best option.

Outside of seeing the symptoms such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, among others, there are other signs that your furnace could be emitting Carbon monoxide inside your home. These include:

  • A yellow flame on the burner instead of a blue. This usually happens when there isn’t enough oxygen to aid in combustion.
  • Rusted pipes
  • Accumulated moisture on your windows and surfaces such as walls
  • The furnace will exhibit streaks of soot

Age of your Furnace 

The older your furnace the more it is going to require more care. Normally, a standard furnace is built to last anywhere from 15 to 30 years. Of course, these numbers vary based on the brand, use, and other factors. Age can greatly impact the decision regarding furnace repair vs furnace replacement.

Regardless, the more you use the furnace, the more it will continue to wear out. As a result, there is an increase in repairs. Their HVAC techs often see this happen to over-worked furnaces in a Minnesota winter. It also means that at some point, your furnace will stop working as efficiently as it used to and you will start incurring increased energy costs. This might be a good time to contact Gilmore Heating, Air and Plumbing, Sacramento heating installation company.

Energy Consumption 

Tracking your energy cost from simply looking at your furnace usage will require patience. This is because the energy use will change depending on the time of the year and the conditions of the weather.

However, it is possible to see any noticeable change by comparing your energy consumption within similar seasons. For example, if your energy consumption for this year’s winter is higher than last year’s, reevaluate. If you have been using the system economically, this could indicate that your furnace is using too much energy.

You might consider running Sacramento heating maintenance on the unit and stem these problems if your system is relatively new or younger than 15 years. You might also be forced to replace your system if it is older than 15 years.

Number of Repairs Needed 

The truth is, at some point, your furnace will need more and more repairs to keep running. If this happens, it means that you will suffer some inconveniences and spend a lot of money on it. The best move for this kind of situation is to buy a new furnace

Get the best Service for Your Furnace 

Keeping your furnace in top shape is always the best way to ensure that it serves you for a long time. Contact Gilmore Heating, Air, and Plumbing today to get the best Placerville heating services for your furnace all year long.
