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How to Save On Your AC Bill

As the temperature rises during the summer, you’ll want to keep your air conditioner as cool as possible. However, if you don’t properly calibrate your thermostat or limit the amount of heat coming in, your energy bills can skyrocket. 

If you’re wondering how to save on an AC bill, turning down the temperature is not the way to go. While it may make your home slightly cooler, it can cause your unit to work harder, leading to higher energy bills. Instead, take a look at some of the methods below and see how you can make adjustments to better your financial situation.

6 Air Conditioning Tips to Save Money

The average Sacramento resident spends around $155 a month on energy bills. While that’s lower than the national average, there are still ways you can lower your bills and save money. Take a look at these six tips to lower the AC bill:

1. Plant Trees Around Your House

Planting leafy trees around your house will help shade it and make it cooler. The sun directly heats a home by shining through the windows. If you grow trees on the side of your home, it can block the windows and keep the sunlight out. 

If your window faces east or west, you’ll get plenty of morning and afternoon sun when the sun is low in the sky. Additionally, it’s beneficial to have trees on the south side of your home for extra protection. Along with lower energy bills, these can be an exciting and aesthetically pleasing addition to your home.

2. Cover Your Windows

Another window-related summer air conditioning tip is to cover the windows entirely. While it’s enjoyable to have natural light flow into your home, it can raise the indoor temperature.

You can use solar screens or mesh-like window screens to capture energy. Window screens are effective for east or west-facing windows, especially if installed outside. This stops the heat before it enters your home. It’s better than doing things indoors.

Window films are another affordable option. Metalized sheets reflect heat, preventing it from passing through the glass. Using reflective colors like white or silver helps block the heat. Window films work when windows are closed, while solar screens work even when windows are open.

3. Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

One of the best ways to save on the AC bill is to upgrade your thermostat to a smart one. To save money when you’re not home, keep the temperature in your home around seven to eight degrees higher than you would when you are home. This will give your AC time to relax and not overwork itself to provide adequate cooling.

To ensure better control of your home’s temperature, consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat. These styles of thermostats are designed to maximize energy savings and efficiency. With these modern devices, you can schedule your thermostat to work with your schedule, optimizing its efficiency.

The best temperature for the AC to save money is 78 degrees. This temperature allows for a comfortable living space while optimizing your energy efficiency.

Additionally, the placement of the thermostat is vital. It’s best to install the device on an inside wall away from direct sunlight, drafts, entrances, skylights, and windows. This will give the thermostat an accurate temperature reading, helping your home stay at the right temperature.

4. Install a Ceiling Fan

One of the most reliable energy-saving tips for the summer is to utilize your ceiling fans properly. Consider turning on the ceiling fans upstairs and opening the windows below. If you live in a one-story home or apartment, close the windows that point at the fan. The goal is to promote the movement of air in your home while not stressing out your air conditioner.

5. Maintain Your Air Conditioning

Start by cleaning or changing your air conditioner’s air filter every two months throughout the summer. A dirty air filter will need to be cleaned or replaced, especially if your home is more vulnerable to dust or if you have pets.

The evaporator and condenser coils also gather dust and need cleaning. To ensure your AC works properly throughout the season, it’s important to invest in air conditioning maintenance. A professional technician will clean all of the components of your unit and replace any faulty parts.

Having your system serviced annually can help lower the risk of breakdowns, expand the unit’s lifespan, and improve its energy efficiency.

6. Stop the Leaks

A drafty home wastes energy, so it’s helpful to check for gaps, cracks, and holes that are allowing air in and out. Along with that, you should look at windows, doors, the home’s foundation, and outside brick or siding for potential leaks.

A professional technician will help you accurately assess your risks and needs so you can save money. Consider hiring a professional who can advise you on what steps to take to lower your energy bills further.

If you still need more advice, reach out to our experts at Gilmore. Our team knows how to reduce your AC bill, so trust that we have your best interests in mind. Contact us today for reliable air conditioning services in the Sacramento Valley and Roseville, California, area.
