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Signs That You Have a Leak

Signs You Have a Leak

Are you afraid that you might have water leakage in your home? Unfortunately, every home can be susceptible to water leakage, making it extremely important to be aware of the signs that you may have a leak.

Today, our Plumbing Professionals share their knowledge on the common signs that your Sacramento home may have a leak.


Signs You Have a Leak in Your Home

Are you afraid that you could have water leakage in your home? Every home, including yours, is susceptible to such problems. If, as a homeowner, you start to suspect that you could have a leak in your house, it helps to understand how most of these water leakages manifest themselves. Usually, there are signs that you have a leak.

Signs You Have a leak

Damaged walls and floors 

Water causes a lot of damage to your walls and floors. Usually, this kind of damage is easily visible because the wall will either stain or get damaged. If your walls are made of drywall, leaking water will soften it and lead to it crumbling.

You might also notice damage on your floors such as an unexplained cracking or staining in your bathroom. If you have tiles they can also come loose due to water damage. If you notice damage to your walls and floors, contact an emergency plumbing company Sacramento right away.


Mold is a serious problem to have in your home. It presents a lot of problems for your respiratory system. Mold does well in damp conditions. Therefore, if there is a leak anywhere in your house you can be sure to have a mold problem.

You can recognize mold in your house by looking around your house for any visible areas. Our Sacramento plumbers explain that this can be difficult because mold does not always appear in easily accessible areas It could appear beneath your floorboards.

A musty odor is, however, a sure way to determine whether you have mold in your house. A musty odor in your home means that mold is starting to grow and it is best that you deal with it immediately.

Increased Water Usage 

Your water consumption will vary every year or season based on a number of factors. These changes should, however, be easy to explain. An increased usage of water in your home that can hardly be explained could be a sign of a hidden leakage.

Finding the best Sacramento plumbers for your leakage

Water leakage in your home is a common yet unwanted event that should be dealt with immediately. The best way to identify and fix a leak in your house is to involve a plumbing contractor Sacramento. Gilmore Heating, Air, and Plumbing will provide you with the best services to keep your house safe and comfortable for you and your loved ones all year round. Contact us today!
